Now I know I can’t be the only one who enjoyed the new The Great Gatsby film, because amidst the flurries of hateful, damning reviews of the film (all of which sparked on the first day of release and has since never stopped flooding the Internet & the press like a wave of viral cat […]

As an aspiring artist, I can’t help but always ask myself why I slam my head face-first into art blocks all the time  asides from unprofessionalism, what makes me recover & get past blocks, and once I find a way, why that unblocking method suddenly doesn’t work every time. Maybe that’s the curse of an […]

Every time a new Nintendo Direct video airs, it’s like a  bombshell hits the whole Nintendo fandom–in a good way.  While the red flag in my mind didn’t raise at every announcement made today (“Good lord, that Donkey Kong Country Returns easy mode explanation completely blew the new Legend of Zelda game announcement out of the […]